96 nuancer af støv (2017)

Materials: Ground and fired earthenware clay
Dimensions: 0.68x1.20m

96 nuancer af støv (96 nuances of dust) was exhibited as part of FOMO in Gellerup from 22nd of September - 1st of October 2017.
FOMO was curated by ceramic artist Ninna Gøtzsche and part of the Aarhus European Cultural Capital program the same year.

96 nuancer af støv was exhibited on Museum Jorn, Silkeborg from 26th of April - 3rd of June 2018 as part of the exhibition Gellerup-ler. Gellerup-ler was curated by ceramic artist Helle Kingbird and ceramic artist Ane Fabricius Kristiansen.

Text on the project